Now you need to forward ports on the reuter, so that people outside the network can fiddle around provided they have the password. STEP 2 is more complicated, but don't worry! Double click that and change 'Main server port' to something like 12345. You need this password to log on to the computer (easy to remember) but it has to be pretty secure (longggggggg).ĭon't set an administrative password because it's just a pain.Ĭlicky clicky until it's done, and you should notice a black V sitting in the taskbar. When it asks you to chose a password, make the first one long but easy to remember. Go here and install the viewer and server.Ĭlicky clicky clicky, and when you get to the ticky boxes, tick 'Set passwords for the service b4 fini5h1ng the installation. There's 2 parts to installing this and they are not easy so please please do it right! It's called tightVNC, it's free and very easy to set up and it's even secureish ! :P
Now, theres a tiny program that you can install on their computers so that you can control the computer from anywhere. Heres a brief tutorial on setting up TightVNC, the free ( and better ) version of RealVNC